Sunday, 30 April 2017


Where is the outrage?

The internet is a wonderful thing. A world of information at the touch of a button. Of course I suspect that it is also giving a voice to those who’ve never had one before, and that is not necessarily a good thing! I am seeing various causes that previously no-one would bat an eye, suddenly attracting vocal and virulent discussion. An example being opponents of UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party), there are those who insist any support for this political party must be racists. Ergo the divisions are coming thick and fast along with the hate and in some cases physical violence.

The feminist movement, especially, it appears in the US appears to be quite powerful, but to a casual observer such as myself, only on superficial issues, such as the “Grab a Pussy” remark made by Donald Trump. That last sentence will certainly get me in trouble with the femistas! How dare I say such a thing. Having a penis means I am not allowed to pass comment, or involve myself in something which is none of my business. Well I’m puzzled by this form of argument, as if they want to forward their own cause, then they couldn’t be doing a worse job of it. I am led to believe that feminism as a movement, is actually in decline. No, I not overly surprised.

The point I am making is this. The internet has opened my eyes to the abhorrent anti women practices.

Where in Nepal this practice is seen as normal.

Where in Saudi Arabia women are nothing literally more than slaves.

I could go on and on, with most Middle East countries treating women in such a way. When some European countries are now implementing a ‘Burka’ ban, I barely hear a whisper from the feminist movement in support of this, well certainly not in the mainstream media. I could be wrong of course, but average Joe/Josephine gets their news through the main media networks. Yes, it’s a lazy way to find out what is happening around the world, but that’s life. Maybe they are going nuts within their own social networks, but what good is that.

Slightly puzzling is the following:

Anglea Merkel

Theresa May

Christine Legard

Two are leaders of countries in the top 6 economically powerful nations, and the last is the head of the IMF. So are they simply puppets of ‘men’ who are really in charge? I have to say I’m a tad disappointed that they do not give women a louder voice in the world. Or hold to account the middle East for the legalised slavery of women. Oh make no mistake, this is exactly what it is. When I hear a muslim woman in the UK supporting the choice to wear the Burka, I hear nothing more than someone who has been brainwashed. Had it not been such a hot potato then you would hear a united chorus saying exactly that. Because of this we should not take their defence of the Burka seriously.  In terms of more local issues, I cannot believe that women are fighting for zero tax on sanitary products, when they really should be lobbying for these products to be free of charge. How ridiculous that a normal bodily function that affects half of our population should impose a charge. Okay, we pay for toilet rolls, but of course that is not gender specific.

The French may be about to show modern women their way in the world. Marine Le Penn refused to wear a head covering when meeting a Sunni grand mufti. This refusal to cover her head, apparently sparked outrage across the Arab nations. May I suggest their outrage was not because of a respect issue, but more to simply subjugate any woman into admitting they are less than men and should be regarded as such. After all respect should go both ways, and so why was they not outrage in the Liberal west at the request that she should wear a head covering?

I suspect the reasons for their ineffectiveness, is nothing more than in-fighting and power grabbing. In effect, the leaders of these movements, prove themselves to be no different to their male counterparts. Becoming more obsessed with holding onto their positions, rather than fighting for the issues for which their gained said position. So sadly for women around the world, I suspect until religion becomes a by-word for ancient man/women, then we will still be living with these abhorrent practices 200 years from now.

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