Whether they are normal members of the public who decide to vote for a Liberalist party, or they are the leader of a party that believes in these values. Recently, with such seismic events in world politics, the frustration of these people is palpable.
Their politics, they would have us believe, is one of tolerance fighting for their less well equipped fellow man (their condescension lies within this aim) and to make the world a wonderful place. Unfortunately, from their haughty towers, they fail to convince those from either the left or the right, and as can be seen at elections they even fail to convince the moderates, of which I consider myself to be.
However, as generally they are educated, they have been very clever, as they have installed over decades, their philosophy on the majority by stealth. It started in the schools and universities and then by various pressure groups, policy crept in through the backdoor. One example of this is the crime of hatred towards a particular religion. This can be any religion of course. As my politics are moderate, the Liberalist will accuse me of being from the racist far right, to even suggest that this is a stupid law. Why? Well, in Britain we have more than enough laws that can deal with any hate crime, and do not need one specifically for religion, homophobia or racism. My other objection, is, that as an atheist should we really be promoting such archaic beliefs? By separating out specific 'Race' crime aren't we creating division where we should be looking at inclusion? By separating out Homosexuals, are we not drawing attention to a lifestyle choice that should simply just be accepted in the educated 21st century?
I was accused recently by an online FaceBook friend, of offending her. When I challenged her on this, she went onto say that I didn't even realise that I was being offensive! WOW. Now I'm not as educated as many are, and I put that down to mild dyslexia. However being dyslexic does not prevent one from being confident, and certainly does not mean one is automatically stupid. I took screenshots of the discussion and showed them to a wide variety of friends in a professional group, and to a man and woman, most actually suggested that I had been very restrained, rather than offensive. So as someone who is a very logical person, I dismantled the conversation that I had with said offended Liberal. Then I dismantled the messages of support, just in case I was having my ego massaged. My conclusion is this, and have noticed this really more often than I am comfortable with, given that I live in a society that encourages free speech. I was not offensive toward her, but by accusing me of being 'offensive' it would discourage me from continuing on my path of discussion. So ultimately Liberals have devalued 'being offended', so it barely even means anything at all now and most people are getting simply bored on hearing that someone is in fact offended. What is the result of someone being offended? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Currently 24hrs on from being offended by me, she has not blocked me or unfriended me on FaceBook! So I wonder, how offended was she really?
Below we see a prime example of an attempt to control the conversation by accusing the other person of being offensive and condescending.
When discussing politics, the Liberal can rarely discuss or argue their position effectively, and as soon as they realise their position is falling off the cliff, their default position is to be offended. Once that has been dismantled, then they will look to accuse you using other adjectives that all amount to the same thing. Yet again one is forced to bat away such accusations, then dependant on the subject, one could be accused of racism or in fact most of the isms were pretty much invented by liberalism. So once these labels get thrown around enough, their aim is to get one of the 'isms' to stick, thereby fulfilling their poor attempt at winning ground for the philosophical position. So in effect they are not wishing to enter into an adult discussion, but cling to, with their dying breath a position that is untenable.
Okay that covers discussion and how using what we commonly know as 'Political Correctness' to close down discussion and free speech. Looking at how, post the EU referendum in the UK and more recently the US presidential elections, we immediately heard of a massive rise in hate crimes. Well, at least this is what we were told, by, yes, liberals. Amazingly here in the UK a few months on from the referendum the Liberal media has failed to identify anyone who was alleged to have committed a hate crime, or rather, have failed to report on a single hate crime going through the courts that can specifically be attributed to the vote to leave the EU. Certainly nothing more than the usual level of hate crime, which will always be with us unfortunately. In fact, following both the vote in the UK and the vote in the US, the only protests we have seen are by those who although say they believe in democracy, and in the US the Liberals rally behind the 'Democratic' party, but as seen by the destruction and violent protests in the US, only believe in democracy IF it is their brand. Some quite ridiculous reports of university students being so overwhelmed by the US result, that they were allowed time to come to terms with their grief before returning to class. Goodness what sort of a world are these liberalists creating. Young people who cannot conceive that someone might disagree with their political and or philosophical viewpoint.
I have no affection or affiliation to either US candidate, and frankly am amazed at how the US could have two such poor candidates for the position of the most powerful leader on the planet, but that of course is their affair, and we here in the UK are far from voting for the most qualified at times, as we recently saw with probably Britains worst ever Prime Minister, in David Cameron. Who it now appears was literally nothing more than a poor second hand car salesman. The fact he was rich simply concealed these short comings. What we have seen on both sides of the Atlantic are Liberals who are now looking to undermine the democratic vote because they didn't get their way. We are seeing it with challenges through the courts here in the UK, and in the US, settlement of civil matters to enable Trump to be sworn in.
To close, Liberals are NOT democrats, they are more closely aligned to communism of the 50s and 60s whereby anyone talking out against the political ideology was sent to prison. In our democratic society they don't get sent to prison they simply and constantly get labelled with an 'ism', in the belief that the old adage of dirt sticking still holds true.
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